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Feel the Music!

Opening up jazz to the deaf and hard of hearing communities…

The Grand River Jazz Society is thrilled to partner with Neruda Arts to introduce two vibrotactile chairs to our music community as part of our concert and jazz jam series. These chairs will open up the musical experience as they convert sound into vibrations for the listener creating a perception of music through touch. One can feel the music!

How to reserve a vibrotactile chair at the Jazz Room:

  • Purchase your show ticket on-line, in advance. (i.e. weeks ahead for busy shows!)
  • Promptly Email  to request a reservation for a chair.
    • There are 2 vibrotactile chairs available on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Chairs MUST be reserved at least 48 hours in advance and you need to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to show time. Last minute requests will not be possible.
    • These chairs are located at a special table. There is room for only one person to sit with you. If you are bringing a friend, please make sure this person has also purchased their show ticket on-line, in advance. 
    • Jazz Room Passholders wishing to use a vibrotactile chair must also make a reservation.
  • In your email, please include the following information:
    • The date of show you are attending
    • Your name
    • The name of a friend sitting with you, if applicable
    • Any questions you may have
  • Look for an email reply to confirm your reservation
  • When you arrive at the Jazz Room, tell the front desk volunteer that you have reserved a vibrotactile chair and our Jazz Room Host will assist you.
  • If a friend is joining you, they will also need to advise the front desk upon arrival.

Additional information about vibrotactile chairs can be found at Neruda Arts…